We are proud to offer yoga classes that are accessible to all skill levels. Please contact us with any questions or concerns!
Embodied Movement
[ Ginger | Tues | 9:30 – 10:30 am ]
This class uses Surya Namaskar as the foundation of class. Centering, stretching, and warming up for the asana that make up the Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar) consume the first part of class. Then, a period of self led movement allows the individual to work with the series at their own pace. The music is grounding and intends to facilitate a foundational pull inward to the self. The class follows the same schedule each week to help a meditative nature to slowly develop. Embodying the repetition and mindlessness that can be crafted within class opens oneself to a deep feeling of movement in body and breath. Tea is served at the end of class.
Gentle Embody
[ Ginger | Wed | 9:30-10:30 am ]
Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Multiple Sclerosis, Arthritis, PTSD and other conditions that involve inflammation, pain, anxiety/trauma, and fatigue, can benefit from centering, breath-work, gentle movement, and meditation. Our Gentle Embody class is appropriate for all levels of guests looking to focus on breath work, stretching, gentle strengthening, and meditation-especially those with the above conditions. This class is taught with trauma and anxiety in mind. The poses are worked with at a slow pace, creating the opportunity to ease in and open up. Class ends with breath work and guided relaxation.
Energized EMbody
[ Ginger | Wed | 6:30-7:45 pm ]
The first 10 minutes of class is spent centering (helping the mind to slow down and the body to begin unwinding). Centering is done lying down with the eyes closed. The next 40-50 minutes is spent in asana (movement). The poses taught in the class are safe for beginners along with those who have practiced yoga before. The last 10-15 minutes will be spent in guided deep relaxation (thoroughly relaxing the body and mind) or meditation (quieting the mind through observance of breath).
restorative yoga
[ Ginger | every other Sun | 1:00-2:30pm ]
During Restore, we relax into 6 supported poses that help the body to unwind,release, and restore through the position of the pose, deep breathing, subtle visualizations, and sound. A perfect way to wrap up the week and set the tone for the week to some. Restore the body, mind, and spirit.