On Yoga School

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It’s that time of year again.  Time to learn.  Whether it be college, high school, continuing education, or Yoga school-it’s time.  I like this time of year.  We had summer to stay up late, take trips, enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables, get up early for the garden, and be with the community for ball games.  Summer lets us run until we are sweaty, hot, breathing hard, and exhilarated. 

That’s why I like the coming of Autumn so much.  Anyone who knows me will attest to heat and my Pitta person being a challenge:). The waning of the drive of more hours of light brings an awareness back on our insides, to our inner self.  We get to slow down a bit, cool off, and get ready to settle in for the Winter.

I thought about starting Yoga School in the Spring, since the study of Yoga is sure to create new growth.  Then, I thought about Summer.  To keep a person inside studying when the sun is wooing us outdoors…. Nah.  So, Autumn it is.  

Last year, our first year at Blue, was SO fantastic.  School started with 5 and ended with 3.  Life happened, so a couple folks needed to pause or reconsider if it was truly the right time to start new growth.  It is is really hard to grow new things when we have debris we haven’t planned on clearing out, when we started growing something else already, or have really thick ground to break through.  The 2 that were listening to their need to focus on another road taught me a ton.  They reminded me nothing is set in stone.  That is really freeing to keep in mind.  The 3 that listened to themselves and knew it was their course of action to stay with school taught me a ton.  That just when it gets tough and tiring, the beauty is right around the corner.  By the end of Yoga School, we had 3 skilled, compassionate, and agile people who I am proud to say I was able to spend 9 months learning with.

In between our first year and the start of this second, I decided to do some studying of my own.  I read a few books I have wanted to read on Chakras, Hinduism, Catholicism, and Natural Living, got back into my online Yoga study with the American Yoga School, and have tried, tried, tried to slow down in my mind and with my body.  I have been truly trying to practice what I teach.  It has been humbling, painful, scary, freeing, empowering, and real.  I come to this next year of school so excited to learn with the fantastic folks who will grace the Studio.  I hope to do better yet-to be more present, more thorough, and filled with more joy for being able to teach.

All of this being said, I feel the need to really share what the focus of Yoga Teacher Training/ Yoga Self Immersion at our Studio is.  When you go online to read about it on our website, there is a very nice description and list of dates, times, topics, and books.  Those are important factors for peoples budgets, busy lives, and understanding.  The part that is hard to describe is what studying Yoga for 9 months actually is.  I think 9 months of studying is a very fitting amount of time.  It takes 9 months for a human to grow the foundation of a human, the house that can carry a soul through a lifetime.  It took me 9 months to grow the foundation of what it means to be a human and how to help this soul serve its purpose on earth and beyond.  Of course, the poses (asana) are exhilarating and “show” that we are learning Yoga.  But all of the other stuff-Ayurveda, Chakras, Alignment, Anatomy, Sequencing, Philosophy, Yamas and Niyamas, and so much more….That is the “stuff” that no one expects to be so transitional, so empowering, so foundational.  The self study of body, mind, and spirit is what makes way for a student to be able to share tools with those they care about-whether it be family, friends, or clients.  

So:). IF you are ready to grow your human a little more-call or email us!

