On Going out of Our Mind..


On Going Out of Your Mind…….

“What were you thinking? Were you out of your mind?!”

Rarely does someone say, “Unfortunately, no. I was thinking entirely too much. That is why my decision made no sense!”

Have you ever purchased a book, a song, or an ingredient for your pantry twice, needlessly? Then, realized the reason you didn’t remember you already had it was due to many, many other books, songs, or ingredients that you had packed and stacked in front or on top of the duplicated item?!! We do this so often. We act from “Just in case..”, “I might need it..”, and “I don’t remember.”. We come from this place, because we weren’t PRESENT when we made the purchase. Sometimes, this duplication causes us to go through the bookshelf, organize the songs, or clean out the pantry. Sadly, most of the time, we just keep going-shoving in more excess and never “sorting” or “taking inventory” of anything.

The same thing seems to be going on with and in our minds. As we go through the day with earbuds in, anticipating our next text or phone alert, talking while we are driving/shopping, or being in such a hurry that all we can focus on is how everyone is so slow and in our way-we are stacking extra “ingredients” in front of or on top of our ability to access compassion, love, or kindness. Then, when it is time to call upon these traits, we can’t find them in a timely manner. This renders us cold, detached, unsupportive, or delayed in recognizing the opportunity we just missed to love and to ultimately honor God’s plan for us on this Earth. IF we would take time daily to “clean out” the pantry of our mind (meditate) and only put in information that is needed and supportive of our best selves, we could be PRESENT. Being present allows us to hear, see, and feel what it going on in the moment within us and around us from a place of truth (kindness, compassion, clarity). When we are present, rarely do we offend, miss an opportunity to be supportive, misinterpret, avoid, lie, or forget.

Cleaning out our minds (meditating) and allowing for low amounts of input and consciously choosing what that input is, sets us up to be in active connection with our best self, and ultimately God. We all know how it feels to have those moments when we know God is surrounding us, within us, and we feel connection to everyone and everything. THESE moments are free, beautiful, low calorie/low carb, stress-free, well-rested, at our fingertips, to be shared, private, and right here waiting for us. Always.

Embrace the Body. Find the Soul. Meditate. Breathe.
