Sound Yoga-Illuminating Hearts
Sound. It surrounds, motivates, disturbs, enhances, blocks out, and penetrates us inside our bodies and minds along with outside our skin and ears. Even silence is a sound….
In the Yoga world, there is a type of Yoga dedicated to sound- Nāda Yoga. According to Wikipedia, “Nāda yoga (नादयोग) is an ancient Indian metaphysical system. It is equally a philosophical system, a medicine, and a form of yoga. The system's theoretical and practical aspects are based on the premise that the entire cosmos and all that exists in the cosmos, including human beings, consists of sound vibrations, called nāda. This concept holds that it is the sound energy in motion rather than of matter and particles which form the building blocks of the cosmos. Nāda yoga is also a reverential way to approach and respond to sound. “
So, that definition can be a little heavy. The lighthearted version?! Sound can be an experience.
I recently experienced a “Sound Bath” with an Omaha based group called Illuminating Hearts. Please, click on their name, to link to their site and hear just a tidbit of the explosion and journey that they bring to the consumer, listener, sound-traveler, YOU. How was the “Sound Bath”? Why am I telling you about this now? It was outstanding, intoxicating, emotional, calm, relaxing, stimulating, and cleansing. If you are a local, find them! IF you are not, find a sound opportunity for you to attend and “drop in”. When I say “drop in”, I intend that you are able to go somewhere you feel safe, free to be “real", and can refrain from outside stimulation-phone, conversation, t.v, pets, children, etc..
We rely so heavily on our eyes in this time. I encourage you to find an opportunity to experience sound with eyes shut. Our senses are beautifully absorbent and informational. Treat yourself to isolating one sense at a time to receive a moment, place, or thing.
Sound. I can’t wait to hear more!